The Royal Corps of Army Music Trust - Providing welfare and support to all serving and retired members of the Royal Corps of Army Music Trust and their dependents.

British Army Band Colchester

The Performers

ConductorMajor Tony Williams
PiccoloSergeant Rafique Dolor
Flute 1Corporal Emma Barquilla
Flute 2Lance Corporal Nicola Adams
OboeLance Corporal Nicolas Walker
BassoonStaff Sergeant Suzy Pearce
ClarinetMusician Robert Jones
ClarinetStaff Sergeant Paul Dove
ClarinetMusician Sean Corrigan
ClarinetCorporal Matthew Thomas
ClarinetLance Corporal Hazel Stride
ClarinetMusician Peter Woodward
Alto SaxophoneCorporal Callum Abram
Alto SaxophoneMusician Brent Pilgrim
Tenor SaxophoneStaff Sergeant James Bullivant
Baritone SaxophoneLance Corporal Daniel Howitt
HornLance Corporal Jemma Rich
HornMusician Kasjan Kryszczuk
HornCorporal James Kerby
HornLance Corporal Rachel Symington
TrumpetLance Corporal Daniel Fox
TrumpetStaff Sergeant Philip Charlwood
TrumpetCorporal Jonathon Cook
TrumpetCorporal Paul Brittenden
TrumpetStaff Sergeant Laura Windley O’Neill
TrumpetCorporal Andrew Middleton
TromboneMusician Louise Sweet
TromboneMusician Lewis Martin
TromboneCorporal Paul Bedford
Bass TromboneMusician Joseph Purbrook
EuphoniumWarrant Officer Class 2 Andrew Birkett
TubaLance Corporal Stuart Price
TubaCorporal Marc Rea
TubaMusician Benjamin Pugh
PercussionLance Corporal Aaron Chilton
PercussionCorporal Nigel Cooper
PercussionMusician Dylan Tanswell-Lowe
PercussionCorporal Christopher Clark

Photos from the Recording Session

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